Time Breastfeeding Cover Sparks Controversy |
TIME breastfeeding cover ignites online noise and heat |
That’s why this recent Time Magazine cover, released this week online, has attracted a lot of attention.
Samantha Stikeleather, a young mom who practices attachment parenting, told WebProNews she felt the article makes AP mothers seem like they’re going overboard with a perfectly natural act. She breastfed both of her children and plans to do it with her third child, which she is expecting soon. The benefits of breastfeeding and co-sleeping are numerous, she says.
“Mainly I think it keeps the child healthy… helps them feel safe, secure and taken care of…it’s a proven fact that being close, skin to skin (kangaroo care) nursing and extended nursing is not only good for a child’s physical health but also their mental and emotional health as well.”
Samantha says she breastfed her second child longer than the first–until the age of 19 months–because she wasn’t as educated about it with her first pregnancy.
“I would have done it longer if I had more support and education,” she says.
The American attitude towards both nudity and breastfeeding is very, very different from the attitudes taken by other countries. Recently, a Korean mockup ad for Oreo cookies went viral on the web and caused a huge stir on social media sites because of the image of a baby at his mother’s breast, holding an Oreo above a tagline which read, “Milk’s Favorite Cookie”.
Of course, not many people have commented yet on the actual article topic, a controversial style of parenting that some people don’t agree with. Time will tell if the coming days see people start to address that part of the article. For now, Twitter conversation is mostly about the cover.
Time Breastfeeding Cover: Mag Image Makes Some Cringe |
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